Saucedo Pre-k


We are so excited to learn with you all this year! With remote learning, we know you still have many unanswered questions, and so do we! But we are in this learning community together. We will provide updates and resources here on this Saucedo Pre-k website!


¡Estamos tan entusiasmadas a aprender con Uds. este ano! Por el aprendizaje al hogar, sabemos que tienen muchos preguntas sin contestas, ¡y nosotros tambien! Sin embargo, estamos en esta comunidad de aprendizaje juntos. ¡Vamos a proveer anuncios y recursos aqui en este sitio de web de Saucedo pre-k!

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Growing Up Ojibwe.pdf

Book suggestion of the month

Growing Up Ojibwe

Author: Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission

Illustrator: Joshua M. Whitebird

Learn about a native community in the Great Lakes area! Tommy Sky, a 15-year-old Ojibwe Indian from the Bad River Reservation in northern Wisconsin, tells the reader about his culture and people, including the folklore story "Waynaboozhoo and the new Earth" (borrowed from The Mishomis Book by Edward Benton-Banai).

Parent Read of the month

Exploring Shadows


Step outdoors or near a window and explore the mysteries of light and shadows. Your child can learn a lot—like how to make shadows bigger and smaller and how shadows move. Enjoy the fun of observing shadows and how they change as you move about.